Building a website for your information World Wide Web you are a great way to publish a few easy steps you're a professional web site can be viewed on the Internet, you may need to do.
If the site of the club furniture, publication of results and club information, or promote your business or just a website to raise awareness and sales are growing to become creative and to share information with others can be.
Personal site called Geocities service. To create a simple site:
click on the link or button on your browser BT Yahoo, so
Home GeoCities, Yahoo page of the wizard page, click
Choose the type of site you would like to make templates
· Photo page - online photo album will display photos on your website
· Children announcement - announcement is good news
· Invitation to a birthday - to announce that special day, and your friends and family information
, Personal page - make your own website
; Invitation Party - friends and family to announce his party and the description of
Guide to the site, site selection, following a few simple steps to build your website started. You say that all your friends and family for solutions to their web sites (URL) can be seen. You can return at any time Geocities home page and edit your site Do you have more than one site, you may not exceed 15 MB distribution.